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Sales tool for digital world, designed by auto dealers themselves.

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designed to help you survive upcoming market changes

Customer data: All your gold in one place   No registration required!

Sales process: The right car for the right person at the right time

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Marketing & retention: New customers or old ones? Both!

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Let’s meet Automotive CRM

Customers are moving online, and their expectations are challenging. Automotive CRM is a powerful sales tool designed to leverage your customer data, streamline the customer journey and increase your sales performance. Designed in cooperation with prominent vehicle dealers it supports the digital transformation of your sales model, leveraging buying behavior of contemporary customers.

Gather more leads

Customer journeys leading to a vehicle purchase span across multiple communication channels. Incorporate them in your sales process.

Convert more opportunities

Your clients expect a consistent and personalized premium care. Connect all the customer data in support of your sales success.

Improve sales performance

Measure and analyse your sales pipeline, track the performance of your team or branch, use it as a tool to improve your chances in the digital world.

Automotive CRM is more than you expect!

Attract your customers

Attract more customers with personalized communication online and offline. Start your conversations where customers make their decisions.

  • Lead generation from various sources
  • Opportunity management
  • All customer data in one sales platform
  • Integrated communication tools
  • Sales pipeline tracking

Amaze & Close

Amaze your customers with personalised pre-sale service and seamless acquisition and delivery, supported by dealer-specific business processes .

  • 360 customer view with all the data and requirements in one place
  • Test drive booking
  • Trade-in management
  • Multibrand vehicle search and configuration
  • Contract documentation and delivery management

Analyze & Manage

Improve efficiency of your sales with actionable data insights and intuitive reporting.

  • Keep track of your pipelines
  • Analyze your sales funnel
  • Manage the branch performance
  • Forecast easily, based on real-time data

Join our satisfied customers

Companies, which are using Automotive CRM will be always one step ahead of the competition.


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