Chemical production

Chemical production is specific in terms of its requirements for process accuracy, special storage, packaging materials, and especially operational safety. Important areas are, for example, registration, logging, measurement, and expiration supervision.

What we can help with

Chemical production is typically represented by so-called “process production” that has specific characteristics: 

  • Use of recipes instead of BOMs used in discrete manufacturing
  • Application of batch orders instead of production orders in discrete production
  • Production planning takes into account parallel and by-products
  • Increased quality control of individual batches
  • The need to work with safety regulations in the transport of dangerous goods

Thanks to many years of experience with the implementation of business systems in this field, we will supply you not only with modern technological solutions for managing routine activities and business processes, but especially with software that stresses the specifics of the chemical industry.

  • Technical preparation – recipe management
  • Production management – production module extended to solving specific needs of process production. Possibility of combination with other types of production.
  • Batch tracking – consistent batch tracing across the entire system (purchase / inventory / production / sales).
  • Quality Management – is a set of functions designed to ensure quality. It therefore includes tools for quality control, documentation of test results, records of non-conforming products, and processes for their repair.


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