Real Estate & Development

Developers face challenges, from selecting a suitable site, through complex permitting procedures and management of the construction itself, to securing customers, property management, and appropriate investment appreciation.

A successful real estate developer needs to coordinate several activities from the concept phase, through land development, financing, and construction to the sale or lease and property management. Our modular suite of applications for developers  SQUARE4 will help you get rid of cluttered Excel spreadsheets, eliminate human errors, and make your operations seamless.

Do you carry out complex projects, including construction, in multiple countries? Do you need integration into other systems, supplier relationship management, finance, or development projects? We will design a tailored solution using Microsoft 365 Finance and Operations, Business Central or Power Platform technologies. 

Do you specialize in selected parts of the process such as land development or asset management? Do you tend to handle construction with a general (external) contractor? Choose stand-alone modules from our real estate suite to cover the processes that occupy you the most. The modules can be freely combined.

For the functional areas of our solution see below.  


Land development #

SQUARE4 Land will help you manage individual projects from concept, site selection, permitting, procurement, selection of designer or construction contractor to actual implementation and, where applicable, selection of marketing and sales partners. Manage contracts and other related documentation clearly in one place.

  • Monitoring of project milestones and tasks
  • Up-to-date overview of key indicators, parameters and project status
  • Contracts and documentation in one place

Fundraising #

Manage your investment products, investors and their investments in one place – in SQUARE4 Fund

  • Calculation of investments, payout to individual investors
  • Tracking share price history
  • Notifications on important events (birthday wishes, anniversary, investment selection, etc.)
  • Reporting of the entire portfolio and individual investors
  • Document management

Sales a marketing #

SQUARE4 CRM connects your records of prospects and customers with your opportunities, parks, buildings, units etc. in one place.  360° view with complete history and other contextual information allows you to:

  • Sales management from simple relationships with a few entities to complex business relationships with many suppliers and customers
  • Use static and dynamic customer lists (segments) for sales and marketing
  • See availability and usability of assets
  • Generate offers and contracts automatically
  • Extend to omnichannel communication and personalized digital marketing
  • Use artificial intelligence to evaluate and analyze customer experience trends and identify new opportunities
  • Manage events, real time marketing, social media (with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing solution)

Asset management #

SQUARE4 Asset provides better overview and management of project profitability, notification of set parameters (triggers), reporting for banks and management.

Manage in one place: 

  • SPVs and their financing
  • Loans
  • Valuations

Back office #

We understand that property development companies run their back office in a highly efficient manner, with staff managing large agendas and fulfilling many roles. Our SQUARE 4 Back Office technology helps to automate manual or repetitive processes and manage documents efficiently and securely. We offer a suite of applications that dramatically simplify common back-office agendas. Alternatively, we can quickly develop your own apps. 

  • Document approval (contracts, requisitions)
  • Digitization and document management
  • Creating, approving and signing contracts
  • Electronic signature
  • Employee attendance
  • Journey log
  • Remote support and maintenance of buildings and equipment using video and augmented reality 

Financial management #

Specialized ERP solution tailored to the specific processes of real estate developers

Detailed payback calculations from the initial concept – project rentability decisions
Financing of development projects
Budget planning and controlling
Comprehensive multi-level structure of development projects, divided into phases, stages, milestones, etc., with a rolling time from several months to several years
Categorization of cost items with continuous control of budget execution
Management of purchase orders with respect to the approved budget
Robust support for many SPVs even in different countries and legislations
Optimisation of tax payments, application of many methods of VAT calculation

Development project management #

Customized ERP solution for managing complex real estate development projects brings better visibility, reduced downtime and elimination of risk

  • Advanced work-in-progress costing
  • Extensive project documentation
  • Management of a large number of subcontractors, managing their mix through a selection process
  • Close cooperation with external project participants (designers, engineering, etc.)
  • Mobility of project team members

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